Wednesday, July 18, 2012

July 15th

My grandmother and grandfather were married 62 years. Does anyone else have a hard time fathoming 62 years? I'm only 21  (almost) years old and I can hardly fathom that. For part of our life it's like we're unconscious to the movement of time. We are children, unaware that life is slipping passed! It really is! It feels like I was a child yesterday, and today 21 years have gone by.

I never really stopped to think about my grandparents marriage. They've always been together, really. Grandma in her chair, and grandpa in his. Never really stopped to hug or love on each other but just together. They were married July 15, 1950. What a beautiful year 1950 seemed to be. All of the pictures I see are filled with grandma's half-laugh-half-smile and grandpa's mischievous grin and that unmistakeable gleam in his blue eyes.   They seemed to be having fun. Life was easy, relationships seemed easy. I'm sure that's wrong... relationships had to be the same and I'm sure life wasn't easy!

A lot of times, especially when grandpa got sick more and more he would never want to get out of the house. I was sad for grandma who seemed cooped up. She seems stir-crazy. Grandpa enjoyed sitting in this chair and looking at the beautiful view of the lake from his retirement home. I can't say I blame him anymore. What a long life he lived! Such a beautiful view can just suck you in, hold you captive and never let you go. Maybe while looking over the lake time stood still for him like it does when I look over St. Augustine's bay. For a minute, you are confused as to if it's 2012 or 1950.  Maybe that's what grandpa saw.

On July 15, 2012 grandma and grandpa went to church and to lunch for their anniversary. I don't know what went on during that morning but I do know they went to Red Lobster. I try to imagine what they said, how they acted. Maybe grandma held grandpa's hand at church. Maybe grandpa ordered for grandma. Maybe they joked about how much they hated the food, or enjoyed their meal whole-heartedly. I'll never know, but I'll always pretend.

When returning to their beautiful home that day, grandma dropped grandpa at the front door and went to park the car. That day we lost grandpa from our world.... Sitting where he'd always wanted to be, looking over the lake.. losing track of time, I'm sure.

I love you, grandpa. I already miss you and I wish I could have asked you more questions about your life.
